October is a special month for raising awareness about various health conditions that impact individuals, families, and communities.

At Shiloh Baptist Church, we believe that promoting health and wellness is an important part of serving our community. In this post, we’re highlighting the different health initiatives and national awareness days throughout the month of October. Whether it’s breast cancer awareness, mental health, or the importance of healthy living, these observances provide an opportunity for us to educate, support, and encourage one another to live healthier lives. Let’s come together to stay informed and inspired!
World Alzheimer’s Month
Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI)
Blood Cancer Awareness Month
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO)
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
American Association for Cancer Research
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Caring House
Pain Awareness Month
National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)